Contacts JimportraitbyHeidiCoutu
welcome stone glass photos projects metal contacts
Contact Me - I am

David Rosenthal - extraordinary guitarist and composer of music tracks used on this website. Check out his website www.davidrosenthalsound.com and also on youtube.

Other Contacts - A number


Philippe Faraut - a renowned portrait sculptor, www.philippefaraut.com

Myles Schacter - a range of stone sculpture, THE source for stone and sculpting supplies, www.2sculpt.com


Josh Simpson - world renowned for his glass planets and other gorgeous works, www.joshsimpson.com

Joe Peters - beautifully detailed glass creations inspired by nature, and fantastic collaborations with Peter Muller, www.joepetersglass.com

Peter Muller - very original modern glass works, solo and collaborations with Joe Peters, www.afternoonglass.com

Sam Myers - beautiful works in stained glass, partner in collaborations with me, www.satnam-art.com


Heidi Coutu - gorgeous works in oil and acrylic, www.heidicoutu.com

Diana Cote - beautiful landscapes in oil paint sticks, mosaics in mixed media, www.dianalyncote.com

PEDESTALS: Stone and Stone woodworking. Terry and Greg Stone have built several pedestals for me which I custom designed. Presentation adds so much. www.artid.com/stoneandstone

ART EDUCATION: Snow Farm the New England Craft Program, in Williamsburg, Mass. An incredible resource to learn any number of arts and crafts in an inspirational country setting. www.snowfarm.org

Jim Rosenthal MD _______ www.eyesandarts.com

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